24/06/18 02:03 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'nome' in 'order clause' SELECT * FROM view_empresa_clientes WHERE 1 ORDER BY nome ASC LIMIT 0,50 ---------------- 24/06/18 02:04 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'nome' in 'order clause' SELECT * FROM view_empresa_clientes WHERE 1 ORDER BY nome ASC LIMIT 0,50 ---------------- 05/07/18 19:13 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM clientes_formularios AS t1 INNER JOIN formularios AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_fo' at line 1 SELECT t1.id, t2.nome, FROM clientes_formularios AS t1 INNER JOIN formularios AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_formularios WHERE t1.ativo = 1 AND t1.id_clientes = 2 ORDER BY t2.nome ---------------- 06/07/18 13:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1060 Duplicate column name 'campo_19' ALTER TABLE cli_form_3 ADD campo_19 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ---------------- 06/07/18 18:33 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id_clientes = 1 ORDER BY t1.inicia_em' at line 1 SELECT t1.*, IF(t2.id > 0, CONCAT(t2.nome, ' [', t2.usuario, ']'), '(usuário excluído)') AS usuario_nome_editor FROM clientes_vigencias AS t1 LEFT JOIN usuarios_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_usuariosWHERE t1.id_clientes = 1 ORDER BY t1.inicia_em ---------------- 09/07/18 14:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'exjts_name' in 'field list' INSERT INTO formularios_campos SET ordem = 11,id_formularios = 3,nome = 'Servidor RDP',extjs_value = 1,extjs_xtype = 'checkboxfield',extjs_boxLabel = 'Possui acesso remoto ao desktop',exjts_name = 'servidor_rdp',extjs_allowBlank = 1 ---------------- 09/07/18 14:39 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= 0,campo_36 = '',campo_37 = 0,campo_38 = ''' at line 1 INSERT INTO cli_form_4 SET campo_27 = 'webserver1.netwan',campo_28 = '',campo_29 = '',campo_30 = '96:B1:CA:8A:98:FD',campo_31 = 0,campo_33 = '',campo_32 = 0,campo_34 = 0, = 0,campo_36 = '',campo_37 = 0,campo_38 = '' ---------------- 16/07/18 16:07 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id_equipamentos = 2 ORDER BY t2.nome' at line 1 SELECT t1.*, t2.nome AS setor_nome FROM setores_tem_equipamentos AS t1 INNER JOIN setores AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_setoresWHERE t1.id_equipamentos = 2 ORDER BY t2.nome ---------------- 17/07/18 19:33 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't2.id' in 'on clause' SELECT t1.id, t1.nome FROM setores AS t1 INNER JOIN setores_tem_equipamentos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id INNER JOIN equipamentos_tem_formularios AS t3 ON t3.id_equipamentos = t2.id_equipamentos GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.nome ---------------- 18/07/18 01:08 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY id_equipamentos ORDER BY equipamento_nome' at line 1 SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT id SEPARATOR ',') AS id, id_equipamentos, equipamento_nome FROM view_clientes_formularios WHERE id_clientes = 6 AND id_setores = GROUP BY id_equipamentos ORDER BY equipamento_nome ---------------- 18/07/18 10:42 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '2;9' at line 1 UPDATE clientes_formularios SET rotulo = 'PRODUTOS' WHERE id = 1;2;9 ---------------- 18/07/18 11:13 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY id_equipamentos ORDER BY equipamento_nome' at line 1 SELECT id_equipamentos, equipamento_nome FROM view_clientes_formularios WHERE id_clientes = 6 AND id_setores = GROUP BY id_equipamentos ORDER BY equipamento_nome ---------------- 18/07/18 13:10 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'id_equipamentos_id' in 'where clause' SELECT id, IF(!ISNULL(rotulo) AND rotulo != '', rotulo, nome) AS rotulo FROM view_clientes_formularios WHERE ativo = 1 AND id_clientes = 6 AND id_setores = 1 AND id_equipamentos_id = 2 ORDER BY rotulo ---------------- 25/07/18 10:27 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'ordem' in 'order clause' SELECT * FROM clientes_equipamentos_formularios_campos WHERE id_clientes_equipamentos_formularios = 2 ORDER BY ordem ---------------- 26/07/18 14:31 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwaninfo`.`equipamentos_campos`, CONSTRAINT `FK_equipamentos_campos2` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO equipamentos_campos SET id_equipamentos = 0,lookup_tabela = 'formularios',lookup_tabela_id = 4,lookup_campo_id = 16,nome = 'NOME DO COMPARTILHAMENTO' ---------------- 26/07/18 16:38 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'campo_23' in 'field list' SELECT DISTINCT campo_23 FROM cli_equip_6_form_15 ---------------- 27/07/18 12:04 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS nome FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1 INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t2 ON t2.id ' at line 1 SELECT t1.id, IF(t2.nome = t1.rotulo, t1.rotulo, CONCAT_WS(' - ', t2.nome, t1.rotulo) AS nome FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1 INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_equipamentos WHERE t1.id_clientes = 6 AND t1.id_setores = 4 ---------------- 27/07/18 12:07 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't1.lookup_tabela' in 'field list' SELECT IF(!ISNULL(t1.lookup_tabela) AND t1.lookup_tabela != '' AND t1.lookup_tabela_id > 0 AND t1.lookup_campo_id > 0, CONCAT_WS('_', t1.lookup_tabela, t1.lookup_tabela_id, t1.lookup_campo_id), CONCAT('campo_', t1.id)) AS nome FROM clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t1INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_campos WHERE t1.id_clientes_equipamentos = 10 ORDER BY t2.ordem ---------------- 22/08/18 13:21 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id_setores = 2 AND t1.id_equipamentos = 7 GROUP BY t2.id ORDER BY t2.nome, t2' at line 1 SELECT t2.id, CONCAT_WS(': ', t2.nome, t2.local) AS nome FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1 INNER JOIN setores AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_setores WHERE t1.id_clientes = 1 t1.id_setores = 2 AND t1.id_equipamentos = 7 GROUP BY t2.id ORDER BY t2.nome, t2.local ---------------- 21/09/18 17:30 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'id_campos' in 'field list' INSERT INTO clientes_equipamentos_campos (id_campos,id_clientes_equipamentos,nome,extjs_name,extjs_allowBlank,extjs_vtype,extjs_xtype,extjs_value,extjs_boxLabel) SELECT id_campos,15,nome,extjs_name,extjs_allowBlank,extjs_vtype,extjs_xtype,extjs_value,extjs_boxLabel FROM equipamentos_campos WHERE id_equipamentos = 17 ---------------- 21/09/18 17:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1051 Unknown table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_15' DROP TABLE cli_equip_15 ---------------- 21/09/18 17:35 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1051 Unknown table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_15' DROP TABLE cli_equip_15 ---------------- 21/09/18 17:38 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1051 Unknown table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_15' DROP TABLE cli_equip_15 ---------------- 02/10/18 08:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1051 Unknown table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_15' DROP TABLE cli_equip_15 ---------------- 02/10/18 08:39 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1051 Unknown table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_15' DROP TABLE cli_equip_15 ---------------- 16/10/18 13:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1051 Unknown table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_15' DROP TABLE cli_equip_15 ---------------- 16/10/18 14:01 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':0a:0a:0a:0a:0a' at line 1 SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_16_form_49 WHERE campo_236 = 0a:0a:0a:0a:0a:0a ---------------- 16/10/18 14:02 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'FF' in 'where clause' SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_16_form_49 WHERE campo_236 = 00-FF-B1-7A-2C-E0 ---------------- 16/10/18 14:11 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'FF' in 'where clause' SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_17_form_50 WHERE campo_238 = 00-FF-B1-7A-2C-E0 ---------------- 18/10/18 12:58 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'FF' in 'where clause' SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_16_form_49 WHERE campo_266 = 00-FF-B1-7A-2C-E0 ---------------- 18/10/18 15:32 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1051 Unknown table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_15' DROP TABLE cli_equip_15 ---------------- 06/11/18 07:46 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1051 Unknown table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_15' DROP TABLE cli_equip_15 ---------------- 06/11/18 12:29 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`equipamentos_tem_formularios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_equipamentos_tem_formularios2` FOREIGN KEY (`id_formularios`) REFERENCES `formularios` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO equipamentos_tem_formularios SET id_formularios = 0,id_equipamentos = 19,posicao = 9,registros = 0 ---------------- 08/11/18 10:35 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't1.clientes_equipamentos' in 'where clause' SELECT CONCAT('campo_', t1.id) AS campo_nome FROM clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t1 INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_campos WHERE t1.clientes_equipamentos = 32 AND (ISNULL(t1.lookup_tabela) OR t1.looup_tabela = '') ORDER BY t2.ordem ---------------- 08/11/18 10:40 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't1.clientes_equipamentos' in 'where clause' SELECT CONCAT('campo_', t1.id) AS campo_nome FROM clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t1 INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_campos WHERE t1.clientes_equipamentos = 32 AND (ISNULL(t1.lookup_tabela) OR t1.looup_tabela = '') ORDER BY t2.ordem ---------------- 08/11/18 10:45 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't1.clientes_equipamentos' in 'where clause' SELECT CONCAT('campo_', t1.id) AS campo_nome FROM clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t1 INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_campos WHERE t1.clientes_equipamentos = 32 AND (ISNULL(t1.lookup_tabela) OR t1.looup_tabela = '') ORDER BY t2.ordem ---------------- 13/11/18 12:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY t2.local, t2.nome, t1.rotulo' at line 1 SELECT t1.id, t1.id_equipamentos, CONCAT_WS(' - ', t1.rotulo, t2.local, t2.nome) AS rotulo FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1 INNER JOIN setores AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_setores WHERE t1.id_clientes = 11 AND t1.id IN () ORDER BY t2.local, t2.nome, t1.rotulo ---------------- 13/11/18 12:01 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY t2.local, t2.nome, t1.rotulo' at line 1 SELECT t1.id, t1.id_equipamentos, CONCAT_WS(' - ', t1.rotulo, t2.local, t2.nome) AS rotulo FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1 INNER JOIN setores AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_setores WHERE t1.id_clientes = 11 AND t1.id IN () ORDER BY t2.local, t2.nome, t1.rotulo ---------------- 19/11/18 05:57 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1146 Table 'netwan_mateus.equipamentos_formularios_campos_lookups' doesn't exist SELECT t1.id, (COUNT(t2.id) > 0) AS lookup, IF(COUNT(t2.id) > 0, CONCAT('lookup_', t1.id), CONCAT('campo_', t1.id)) AS nome, t1.extjs_xtype, t1.extjs_allowBlank, t1.extjs_allowDecimals, t1.extjs_decimalPrecision FROM clientes_equipamentos_formularios_campos AS t1 LEFT JOIN equipamentos_formularios_campos_lookups AS t2 ON t2.id_campos = t1.id_campos WHERE t1.id_clientes_equipamentos_formularios = 169 GROUP BY t1.id ---------------- 19/11/18 11:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 19/11/18 11:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 19/11/18 11:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 19/11/18 11:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 19/11/18 11:22 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 19/11/18 11:29 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 19/11/18 11:29 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 20/11/18 06:17 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id != 2' at line 1 SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_42_form_173 WHERE campo_880 = 'F:' WHERE id != 2 ---------------- 20/11/18 06:20 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id != 2' at line 1 SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_42_form_173 WHERE campo_880 = 'F:' WHERE id != 2 ---------------- 20/11/18 06:22 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id != 2' at line 1 SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_42_form_173 WHERE campo_880 = 'F:' WHERE id != 2 ---------------- 20/11/18 06:23 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id != 2' at line 1 SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_42_form_173 WHERE campo_880 = 'F:' WHERE id != 2 ---------------- 20/11/18 06:33 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 20/11/18 06:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 20/11/18 06:42 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 SELECT FROM cli_equip_42_form_174 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 02/01/19 13:51 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(1,2,3) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 05/01/19 14:53 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs ALTER TABLE cli_equip_98 ADD COLUMN campo_1565 VARCHAR(255) ---------------- 05/01/19 15:44 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs ALTER TABLE cli_equip_98 ADD COLUMN imagem VARCHAR(255) NULL ---------------- 08/01/19 11:06 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'lookup_3247' in 'field list' SELECT DISTINCT lookup_3247 AS campo FROM cli_equip_136_form_638 WHERE id IN (1) ORDER BY campo ---------------- 08/01/19 11:06 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'lookup_3247' in 'field list' SELECT DISTINCT lookup_3247 AS campo FROM cli_equip_136_form_638 WHERE id IN (2) ORDER BY campo ---------------- 08/01/19 11:07 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'lookup_3247' in 'field list' SELECT DISTINCT lookup_3247 AS campo FROM cli_equip_136_form_638 WHERE id IN (2) ORDER BY campo ---------------- 08/01/19 11:12 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS campo FROM cli_equip_136_form_638 WHERE id IN (2) ORDER BY campo' at line 1 SELECT DISTINCT AS campo FROM cli_equip_136_form_638 WHERE id IN (2) ORDER BY campo ---------------- 08/01/19 11:16 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS campo FROM cli_equip_136_form_638 WHERE id IN (2) ORDER BY campo' at line 1 SELECT DISTINCT AS campo FROM cli_equip_136_form_638 WHERE id IN (2) ORDER BY campo ---------------- 11/01/19 05:53 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem' at line 1 SELECT t1.* FROM permissoes_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN grupos_permissoes_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_permissoes = t1.id INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t3 ON t3.id_grupos = t2.id_grupos WHERE t1.pai_id = 0 AND t1.tipo = 'MENU' AND t3.id_usuarios = AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem ---------------- 14/01/19 13:13 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem' at line 1 SELECT t1.* FROM permissoes_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN grupos_permissoes_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_permissoes = t1.id INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t3 ON t3.id_grupos = t2.id_grupos WHERE t1.pai_id = 0 AND t1.tipo = 'MENU' AND t3.id_usuarios = AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem ---------------- 22/01/19 10:58 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1146 Table 'netwan_mateus.cientes_vigencias' doesn't exist INSERT INTO clientes_vigencias SET id_usuarios = 8,id_clientes = 157,inicia_em = '2019-01-20T00:00:00',termina_em = '2029-01-21T00:00:00' ---------------- 22/01/19 10:59 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1146 Table 'netwan_mateus.cientes_vigencias' doesn't exist INSERT INTO clientes_vigencias SET id_usuarios = 8,id_clientes = 157,inicia_em = '2019-01-22T14:41:04',termina_em = '2020-01-22T14:41:04' ---------------- 22/01/19 11:04 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1146 Table 'netwan_mateus.cientes_vigencias' doesn't exist INSERT INTO clientes_vigencias SET id_usuarios = 8,id_clientes = 129,inicia_em = '2019-01-22T15:02:49',termina_em = '2020-01-22T15:02:49' ---------------- 22/01/19 11:05 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1146 Table 'netwan_mateus.cientes_vigencias' doesn't exist INSERT INTO clientes_vigencias SET id_usuarios = 2,id_clientes = 128,inicia_em = '2019-01-22T15:04:18',termina_em = '2020-01-22T15:04:18' ---------------- 22/01/19 11:41 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'campo_11965' in 'field list' INSERT INTO cli_equip_463_form_2373 SET id_fk = 1,id_usuarios = 8,campo_11965 = 'APLICAÇÃO' ---------------- 22/01/19 11:49 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'campo_11965' in 'field list' INSERT INTO cli_equip_463_form_2373 SET id_fk = 2,id_usuarios = 8,campo_11965 = 'APLICAÇÃO' ---------------- 22/01/19 12:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1146 Table 'netwan_mateus.cientes_vigencias' doesn't exist INSERT INTO clientes_vigencias SET id_usuarios = 2,id_clientes = 129,inicia_em = '2019-01-22T16:17:06',termina_em = '2020-01-22T16:17:06' ---------------- 22/01/19 12:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'campo_11965' in 'field list' INSERT INTO cli_equip_463_form_2373 SET id_fk = 3,id_usuarios = 8,campo_11965 = 'APLICAÇÃO' ---------------- 22/01/19 12:43 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'campo_11965' in 'field list' INSERT INTO cli_equip_463_form_2373 SET id_fk = 4,id_usuarios = 2,campo_11965 = 'CFTV' ---------------- 22/01/19 12:45 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 'campo_11965' in 'field list' INSERT INTO cli_equip_463_form_2373 SET id_fk = 4,id_usuarios = 2,campo_11965 = 'APLICAÇÃO' ---------------- 23/01/19 09:50 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem' at line 1 SELECT t1.* FROM permissoes_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN grupos_permissoes_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_permissoes = t1.id INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t3 ON t3.id_grupos = t2.id_grupos WHERE t1.pai_id = 0 AND t1.tipo = 'MENU' AND t3.id_usuarios = AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem ---------------- 23/01/19 10:21 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 8,id_clientes = 154,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 29/01/19 17:18 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(19) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 30/01/19 08:20 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1 SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT_WS(' - ', campo_15807) AS nome FROM cli_equip_653_form_3174 WHERE id_fk IN () ---------------- 30/01/19 10:55 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id, t1.id_clientes_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_clientes_equipamentos WHERE t2.id_clientes = 193 AND t1.id_formularios = 10 AND t2.id_equipamentos = 38GROUP BY t1.id ---------------- 30/01/19 10:56 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id, t1.id_clientes_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_clientes_equipamentos WHERE t2.id_clientes = 193 AND t1.id_formularios = 10 AND t2.id_equipamentos = 38GROUP BY t1.id ---------------- 30/01/19 10:56 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id, t1.id_clientes_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_clientes_equipamentos WHERE t2.id_clientes = 193 AND t1.id_formularios = 10 AND t2.id_equipamentos = 38GROUP BY t1.id ---------------- 30/01/19 11:01 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id, t1.id_clientes_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_clientes_equipamentos WHERE t2.id_clientes = 193 AND t1.id_formularios = 10 AND t2.id_equipamentos = 38GROUP BY t1.id ---------------- 30/01/19 11:02 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1 SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT_WS(' - ', campo_15807) AS nome FROM cli_equip_653_form_3174 WHERE id_fk IN () ---------------- 30/01/19 11:06 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1 SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT_WS(' - ', campo_15807) AS nome FROM cli_equip_653_form_3174 WHERE id_fk IN () ---------------- 04/02/19 04:54 ---------------- SQL ERROR 2006 MySQL server has gone away SELECT * FROM usuarios_funcionarios WHERE id = '8' OR usuario = '8' OR email_comercial = '8' OR email_pessoal = '8' ---------------- 04/02/19 04:54 ---------------- SQL ERROR 2006 MySQL server has gone away SELECT * FROM usuarios_funcionarios WHERE id = '8' OR usuario = '8' OR email_comercial = '8' OR email_pessoal = '8' ---------------- 04/02/19 04:57 ---------------- SQL ERROR 2006 MySQL server has gone away SELECT * FROM usuarios_funcionarios WHERE id = '8' OR usuario = '8' OR email_comercial = '8' OR email_pessoal = '8' ---------------- 04/02/19 04:57 ---------------- SQL ERROR 2006 MySQL server has gone away SELECT * FROM usuarios_funcionarios WHERE id = '8' OR usuario = '8' OR email_comercial = '8' OR email_pessoal = '8' ---------------- 04/02/19 05:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 2006 MySQL server has gone away SELECT * FROM usuarios_funcionarios WHERE id = '8' OR usuario = '8' OR email_comercial = '8' OR email_pessoal = '8' ---------------- 04/02/19 05:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 2006 MySQL server has gone away SELECT * FROM usuarios_funcionarios WHERE id = '8' OR usuario = '8' OR email_comercial = '8' OR email_pessoal = '8' ---------------- 04/02/19 05:03 ---------------- SQL ERROR 2006 MySQL server has gone away SELECT * FROM usuarios_funcionarios WHERE id = '8' OR usuario = '8' OR email_comercial = '8' OR email_pessoal = '8' ---------------- 04/02/19 12:25 ---------------- SQL ERROR 2006 MySQL server has gone away SELECT COUNT(*) AS existente FROM cli_equip_217_form_1021 WHERE campo_5092 = 'd0-94-66-a5-7d-67' ---------------- 21/02/19 09:24 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 8,id_clientes = 206,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 21/02/19 15:07 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(19) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 21/02/19 15:08 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(19) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 21/02/19 15:08 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(19) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 21/02/19 15:09 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(19) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 21/02/19 15:10 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(19) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 21/02/19 15:27 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(19) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 21/02/19 15:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(19) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 21/02/19 17:12 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(14) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 21/02/19 17:12 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(14) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 22/02/19 18:11 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(14) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 22/02/19 18:12 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(14) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 22/02/19 18:13 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(14) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 22/02/19 18:15 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(17) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 25/02/19 10:25 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(23) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 25/02/19 10:27 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(23) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 25/02/19 19:35 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't1.id ORDER BY t1.id' at line 1 SELECT t1.id FROM usuarios_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_usuarios = t1.id WHERE t2.id_grupos IN(23) GROUP t1.id ORDER BY t1.id ---------------- 28/02/19 16:52 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem' at line 1 SELECT t1.* FROM permissoes_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN grupos_permissoes_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_permissoes = t1.id INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t3 ON t3.id_grupos = t2.id_grupos WHERE t1.pai_id = 0 AND t1.tipo = 'MENU' AND t3.id_usuarios = AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem ---------------- 01/03/19 14:35 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1005 Can't create table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_176_form_4654' (errno: 150) CREATE TABLE cli_equip_176_form_4654(id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_usuarios INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', inativo TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', id_fk INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, imagem TEXT NULL,atualizado_em TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT FK_cli_equip_176_form_4654 FOREIGN KEY (id_fk) REFERENCES cli_equip_176(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = INNODB ---------------- 01/03/19 14:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1005 Can't create table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_176_form_4655' (errno: 150) CREATE TABLE cli_equip_176_form_4655(id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_usuarios INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', inativo TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', id_fk INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, imagem TEXT NULL,atualizado_em TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT FK_cli_equip_176_form_4655 FOREIGN KEY (id_fk) REFERENCES cli_equip_176(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = INNODB ---------------- 01/03/19 14:39 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1005 Can't create table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_176_form_4698' (errno: 150) CREATE TABLE cli_equip_176_form_4698(id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_usuarios INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', inativo TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', id_fk INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, imagem TEXT NULL,atualizado_em TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT FK_cli_equip_176_form_4698 FOREIGN KEY (id_fk) REFERENCES cli_equip_176(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = INNODB ---------------- 01/03/19 14:39 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1005 Can't create table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_176_form_4699' (errno: 150) CREATE TABLE cli_equip_176_form_4699(id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_usuarios INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', inativo TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', id_fk INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, imagem TEXT NULL,atualizado_em TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT FK_cli_equip_176_form_4699 FOREIGN KEY (id_fk) REFERENCES cli_equip_176(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = INNODB ---------------- 01/03/19 14:39 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1005 Can't create table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_176_form_4700' (errno: 150) CREATE TABLE cli_equip_176_form_4700(id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_usuarios INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', inativo TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', id_fk INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, imagem TEXT NULL,atualizado_em TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT FK_cli_equip_176_form_4700 FOREIGN KEY (id_fk) REFERENCES cli_equip_176(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = INNODB ---------------- 01/03/19 16:22 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1005 Can't create table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_176_form_4711' (errno: 150) CREATE TABLE cli_equip_176_form_4711(id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_usuarios INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', inativo TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', id_fk INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, imagem TEXT NULL,atualizado_em TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT FK_cli_equip_176_form_4711 FOREIGN KEY (id_fk) REFERENCES cli_equip_176(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = INNODB ---------------- 01/03/19 16:45 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1005 Can't create table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_176_form_4768' (errno: 150) CREATE TABLE cli_equip_176_form_4768(id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_usuarios INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', inativo TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', id_fk INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, imagem TEXT NULL,atualizado_em TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT FK_cli_equip_176_form_4768 FOREIGN KEY (id_fk) REFERENCES cli_equip_176(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = INNODB ---------------- 04/03/19 11:20 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,id_clientes = 202,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 04/03/19 13:09 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,id_clientes = 161,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 05/03/19 10:49 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,id_clientes = 186,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 05/03/19 15:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,id_clientes = 178,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 08/03/19 00:17 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes WHERE 1ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 00:17 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes WHERE 1ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 00:18 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes WHERE 1ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 08:32 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%citi%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%citi%' OR cnpj LIKE '$ci' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%citi%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%citi%' OR cnpj LIKE '$citi$' OR endereco LIKE '%citi%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 08:33 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%citi%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%citi%' OR cnpj LIKE '$ci' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%citi%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%citi%' OR cnpj LIKE '$citi$' OR endereco LIKE '%citi%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 08:33 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%mercado%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%mercado%' OR cnpj LIK' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%mercado%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%mercado%' OR cnpj LIKE '$mercado$' OR endereco LIKE '%mercado%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 08:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%maravilg%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%maravilg%' OR cnpj L' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%maravilg%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%maravilg%' OR cnpj LIKE '$maravilg$' OR endereco LIKE '%maravilg%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 08:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%mara%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%mara%' OR cnpj LIKE '$ma' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%mara%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%mara%' OR cnpj LIKE '$mara$' OR endereco LIKE '%mara%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 08:35 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%citi%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%citi%' OR cnpj LIKE '$ci' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%citi%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%citi%' OR cnpj LIKE '$citi$' OR endereco LIKE '%citi%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 08:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%CITI%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%CITI%' OR cnpj LIKE '$CI' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%CITI%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%CITI%' OR cnpj LIKE '$CITI$' OR endereco LIKE '%CITI%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 08:49 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%mara%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%mara%' OR cnpj LIKE '$ma' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%mara%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%mara%' OR cnpj LIKE '$mara$' OR endereco LIKE '%mara%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 13:09 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%CAMPINAS%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%CAMPINAS%' OR cnpj L' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%CAMPINAS%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%CAMPINAS%' OR cnpj LIKE '$CAMPINAS$' OR endereco LIKE '%CAMPINAS%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 13:42 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%MARAVILHAS%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%MARAVILHAS%' OR cn' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%MARAVILHAS%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%MARAVILHAS%' OR cnpj LIKE '$MARAVILHAS$' OR endereco LIKE '%MARAVILHAS%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 16:44 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%cliente%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%cliente%' OR cnpj LIK' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%cliente%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%cliente%' OR cnpj LIKE '$cliente$' OR endereco LIKE '%cliente%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 16:44 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%TESTE%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%TESTE%' OR cnpj LIKE '$' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%TESTE%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%TESTE%' OR cnpj LIKE '$TESTE$' OR endereco LIKE '%TESTE%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 08/03/19 17:42 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND (razao_social LIKE '%lamsmdlas%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%lamsmdlas%' OR cnpj' at line 1 SELECT id, razao_social, nome_fantasia FROM clientes AND (razao_social LIKE '%lamsmdlas%' OR nome_fantasia LIKE '%lamsmdlas%' OR cnpj LIKE '$lamsmdlas$' OR endereco LIKE '%lamsmdlas%') ORDER BY razao_social ASC LIMIT 0,25 ---------------- 11/03/19 14:25 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,id_clientes = 234,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 13/03/19 11:43 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) UPDATE clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,id_clientes = 199,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 13 WHERE id = 888 ---------------- 27/03/19 15:26 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,id_clientes = 159,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 27/03/19 18:14 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ',,,,,,,,,,) SELECT 4,,,,,,,,,,,, FROM cli_equip_1477_form_5977 WHERE id_fk = 1' at line 1 INSERT INTO cli_equip_1476_form_5964(id_fk,,,,,,,,,,,,) SELECT 4,,,,,,,,,,,, FROM cli_equip_1477_form_5977 WHERE id_fk = 1 ---------------- 29/03/19 09:16 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 4956' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 4956 ---------------- 29/03/19 09:16 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 4956' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 4956 ---------------- 29/03/19 09:22 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 4956' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 4956 ---------------- 29/03/19 09:28 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 4956' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 4956 ---------------- 29/03/19 09:29 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 4956' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 4956 ---------------- 29/03/19 09:32 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 783' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 783 ---------------- 29/03/19 09:42 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6131' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6131 ---------------- 29/03/19 09:43 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6137' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6137 ---------------- 29/03/19 10:58 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3842' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3842 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3842' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3842 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:01 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3850' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3850 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:02 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3850' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3850 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:03 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3850' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3850 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:06 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3850' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3850 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:10 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3850' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3850 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:14 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3830' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3830 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:17 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3869' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3869 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:21 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3857' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3857 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:25 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3922' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3922 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:32 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3896' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3896 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3341' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3341 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3343' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3343 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:46 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3343' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3343 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:46 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3343' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3343 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:56 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3335' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3335 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:57 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3337' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3337 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:57 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3337' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3337 ---------------- 29/03/19 11:58 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3337' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3337 ---------------- 29/03/19 13:57 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3890' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3890 ---------------- 29/03/19 14:02 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 3878' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 3878 ---------------- 29/03/19 17:25 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6145' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6145 ---------------- 29/03/19 17:27 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6145' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6145 ---------------- 01/04/19 13:17 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 2997' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 2997 ---------------- 01/04/19 13:17 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 2997' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 2997 ---------------- 01/04/19 13:53 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5918' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5918 ---------------- 01/04/19 13:54 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5918' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5918 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:08 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6157' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6157 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:13 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6161' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6161 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:13 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6161' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6161 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:14 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6155' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6155 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:14 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6155' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6155 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:24 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6163' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6163 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:24 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6163' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6163 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:25 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6163' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6163 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:26 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6163' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6163 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:26 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6163' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6163 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:26 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6163' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6163 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:26 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6163' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6163 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:29 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6161' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6161 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:30 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6161' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6161 ---------------- 01/04/19 14:30 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 6161' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 6161 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:15 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5901' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5901 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:16 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5897' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5897 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:16 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5897' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5897 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:17 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5896' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5896 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:18 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5897' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5897 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5897' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5897 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:20 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5897' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5897 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:21 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't2.id = 5897' at line 1 SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.idWHERE t2.id = 5897 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:22 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't1.id_setores' in 'field list' SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.id WHERE t2.id = 5897 ---------------- 01/04/19 15:22 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't1.id_setores' in 'field list' SELECT t1.id_setores, t1.id_clientes, t2.id_formularios ,t1.id_equipamentos FROM clientes_equipamentos AS t1INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_formularios AS t2 ON t2.id_clientes_equipamentos = t1.id WHERE t2.id = 5897 ---------------- 18/04/19 08:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17706 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_953 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17706 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 08:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17706 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_953 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17706 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 08:45 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17685 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_950 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17685 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17475 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_920 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17475 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:03 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17475 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_920 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17475 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:08 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_922 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:08 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_922 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:28 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17489 = '' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_922 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17489 = '' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:28 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_922 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:31 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_922 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:33 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_922 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_17489 = 'PADRÃO' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = '' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = '' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = '' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = '' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'A' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'A' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:34 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'A' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'A' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = '' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = '' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = '' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = '' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'A' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'A' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:36 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'A' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'A' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'AA' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'AA' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'AA' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'AA' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'B1' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'B1' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'B1' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'B1' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'B5555' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'B5555' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'B5555' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'B5555' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'A' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'A' ) ---------------- 18/04/19 09:37 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '( campo_23247 = 'A' )' at line 1 SELECT id FROM cli_equip_1475 WHERE inativo = 0 ( campo_23247 = 'A' ) ---------------- 22/04/19 14:30 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'clientes_mapas_equipamentos AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_mapas AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.' at line 1 INSERT INTO cli_equip_1476_form_5976(id_fk,lookup_31689,campo_31690) SELECT 7,lookup_31622,campo_31623 FROM cli_equip_1475_form_5963 WHERE id_fk = 3UPDATE clientes_mapas_equipamentos AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_mapas AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_clientes_mapas SET t1.id_crud = 7 WHERE t1.id_crud = 3 AND t1.id_clientes_equipamentos = 1476 ---------------- 24/04/19 10:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id = 612' at line 1 UPDATE setores SET ativo = WHERE id = 612 ---------------- 02/05/19 16:14 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1005 Can't create table 'netwan_mateus.cli_equip_176_form_7409' (errno: 150) CREATE TABLE cli_equip_176_form_7409(id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_usuarios INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', inativo TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', id_fk INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, imagem TEXT NULL,criado_em DATETIME NULL, atualizado_em TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT FK_cli_equip_176_form_7409 FOREIGN KEY (id_fk) REFERENCES cli_equip_176(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = INNODB ---------------- 03/05/19 09:52 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 11,ativo = 1,id_clientes = 232,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 5 ---------------- 23/05/19 10:48 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't2.departamento' in 'order clause' SELECT t3.departamento, t2.nome AS servico, t1.nome, t1.descricao FROM os_servicos_itens AS t1 INNER JOIN os_servicos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_os_servicos INNER JOIN departamentos AS t3 ON t3.id = t2.id_departamentos ORDER BY t2.departamento, t2.nome, t1.nome, t1.descricao ---------------- 23/05/19 10:48 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't2.departamento' in 'order clause' SELECT t3.departamento, t2.nome AS servico, t1.nome, t1.descricao FROM os_servicos_itens AS t1 INNER JOIN os_servicos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_os_servicos INNER JOIN departamentos AS t3 ON t3.id = t2.id_departamentos ORDER BY t2.departamento, t2.nome, t1.nome, t1.descricao ---------------- 23/05/19 10:48 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't2.departamento' in 'order clause' SELECT t3.departamento, t2.nome AS servico, t1.nome, t1.descricao FROM os_servicos_itens AS t1 INNER JOIN os_servicos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_os_servicos INNER JOIN departamentos AS t3 ON t3.id = t2.id_departamentos ORDER BY t2.departamento, t2.nome, t1.nome, t1.descricao ---------------- 23/05/19 14:57 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`ordens_servicos`, CONSTRAINT `FK_ordens_servicos3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_os_solicitacoes`) REFERENCES `os_solicitacoes` (`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO ordens_servicos SET id_usuarios = 14,id_clientes = 215,id_departamentos = 1,id_os_solicitacoes = 0,notificacao_interna = 0,notificacao_externa = 0 ---------------- 23/05/19 14:58 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`ordens_servicos`, CONSTRAINT `FK_ordens_servicos3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_os_solicitacoes`) REFERENCES `os_solicitacoes` (`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO ordens_servicos SET id_usuarios = 14,id_clientes = 215,id_departamentos = 1,id_os_solicitacoes = 0,notificacao_interna = 0,notificacao_externa = 0 ---------------- 04/06/19 09:43 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ': INATIVO),usuario = 'MARCUS V. VIGILATO BUENO [marcus.netwan]'' at line 1 INSERT INTO sistema_log SET tabela_id = 4,tabela_nome = 'EQUIPAMENTO.: ROTEADOR',tabela_evento = 'ALTERAÇÃO',cliente = 'CLIENTE TESTE 1 - CLIENTE TESTE',descricao = CONCAT_WS(CHAR(13), STATUS.: INATIVO),usuario = 'MARCUS V. VIGILATO BUENO [marcus.netwan]' ---------------- 18/06/19 17:02 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 11,ativo = 1,id_clientes = 193,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 20 ---------------- 18/09/19 13:56 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 11,ativo = 1,id_clientes = 265,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 27/11/19 09:56 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`ordens_servicos`, CONSTRAINT `FK_ordens_servicos3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_os_solicitacoes`) REFERENCES `os_solicitacoes` (`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO ordens_servicos SET id_usuarios = 14,id_clientes = 229,id_departamentos = 0,id_os_solicitacoes = 0,notificacao_interna = 0,notificacao_externa = 0 ---------------- 10/12/19 11:44 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1442 Can't update table 'ordens_servicos_itens' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger. UPDATE ordens_servicos_itens SET situacao = 'FINALIZADO' WHERE id_ordens_servicos = 2 ---------------- 10/12/19 11:52 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1442 Can't update table 'ordens_servicos_itens' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger. UPDATE ordens_servicos_itens SET situacao = 'FINALIZADO' WHERE id_ordens_servicos = 1 ---------------- 24/03/20 11:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't2.departamento' in 'order clause' SELECT t3.departamento, t2.nome AS servico, t1.nome, t1.descricao FROM os_servicos_itens AS t1 INNER JOIN os_servicos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_os_servicos INNER JOIN departamentos AS t3 ON t3.id = t2.id_departamentos ORDER BY t2.departamento, t2.nome, t1.nome, t1.descricao ---------------- 24/03/20 11:19 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't2.departamento' in 'order clause' SELECT t3.departamento, t2.nome AS servico, t1.nome, t1.descricao FROM os_servicos_itens AS t1 INNER JOIN os_servicos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_os_servicos INNER JOIN departamentos AS t3 ON t3.id = t2.id_departamentos ORDER BY t2.departamento, t2.nome, t1.nome, t1.descricao ---------------- 25/03/20 09:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't2.departamento' in 'order clause' SELECT t3.departamento, t2.nome AS servico, t1.nome, t1.descricao FROM os_servicos_itens AS t1 INNER JOIN os_servicos AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_os_servicos INNER JOIN departamentos AS t3 ON t3.id = t2.id_departamentos ORDER BY t2.departamento, t2.nome, t1.nome, t1.descricao ---------------- 13/04/20 14:01 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '*) AS existente FROM os_servicos AS t1 LEFT JOIN usuarios_funcionarios AS t2 ON ' at line 1 SELECT COUNT(t1.*) AS existente FROM os_servicos AS t1 LEFT JOIN usuarios_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_usuarios INNER JOIN departamentos AS t3 ON t3.id = t1.id_departamentos ---------------- 23/04/20 13:52 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't4.id' in 'on clause' SELECT t1.id, t1.nome_fantasia, t3.id_clientes, t3.id_equipamentos, t4.nome AS equipamento, t3.quantidade, 0 AS qtde_livre, 0 AS qtde_uso, t8.nome, CONCAT('cli_equip_', t9.id) AS crud_tabela_e, 'Texto' AS crud_formato_e, t11.extjs_xtype AS crud_xtype_e, t11.extjs_fieldLabel AS crud_rotulo_e, IF(COUNT(t12.id) > 0, CONCAT('lookup_', t11.id), CONCAT('campo_', t11.id)) AS crud_campo_e FROM clientes AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_cenarios AS t3 ON (t1.id = t3.id_clientes) INNER JOIN setores AS t8 ON (t1.id = t8.id_clientes) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t9 ON (t1.id = t9.id_clientes AND t8.id = t9.id_setores) INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t10 ON (t4.id = t10.id_equipamentos) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t11 ON (t10.id = t11.id_campos AND t9.id = t11.id_clientes_equipamentos) LEFT JOIN equipamentos_campos_lookups AS t12 ON (t10.id = t12.id_campos) INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t4 ON (t4.id = t3.id_equipamentos AND t4.id = t9.id_equipamentos) WHERE t1.id = 279 AND t10.extjs_fieldLabel IN ('HOSTNAME', 'MARCA', 'MODELO', 'NÚMERO DE SÉRIE') GROUP BY t1.id, t3.id, t4.id, t8.id, t9.id, t10.id, t11.id ORDER BY t1.nome_fantasia, t1.grupo, t4.nome, t8.nome ---------------- 23/04/20 13:55 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't4.id' in 'on clause' SELECT t1.id, t1.nome_fantasia, t3.id_clientes, t3.id_equipamentos, t4.nome AS equipamento, t3.quantidade, 0 AS qtde_livre, 0 AS qtde_uso, t8.nome, CONCAT('cli_equip_', t9.id) AS crud_tabela_e, 'Texto' AS crud_formato_e, t11.extjs_xtype AS crud_xtype_e, t11.extjs_fieldLabel AS crud_rotulo_e, IF(COUNT(t12.id) > 0, CONCAT('lookup_', t11.id), CONCAT('campo_', t11.id)) AS crud_campo_e FROM clientes AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_cenarios AS t3 ON (t1.id = t3.id_clientes) INNER JOIN setores AS t8 ON (t1.id = t8.id_clientes) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t9 ON (t1.id = t9.id_clientes AND t8.id = t9.id_setores) INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t10 ON (t4.id = t10.id_equipamentos) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t11 ON (t10.id = t11.id_campos AND t9.id = t11.id_clientes_equipamentos) LEFT JOIN equipamentos_campos_lookups AS t12 ON (t10.id = t12.id_campos) INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t4 ON (t4.id = t3.id_equipamentos AND t4.id = t9.id_equipamentos) WHERE t1.id = 279 AND t10.extjs_fieldLabel IN ('HOSTNAME', 'MARCA', 'MODELO', 'NÚMERO DE SÉRIE') GROUP BY t1.id, t3.id, t4.id, t8.id, t9.id, t10.id, t11.id ORDER BY t1.nome_fantasia, t1.grupo, t4.nome, t8.nome ---------------- 23/04/20 14:14 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't4.id' in 'on clause' SELECT t1.id, t1.nome_fantasia, t3.id_clientes, t3.id_equipamentos, t4.nome AS equipamento, t3.quantidade, 0 AS qtde_livre, 0 AS qtde_uso, t8.nome, CONCAT('cli_equip_', t9.id) AS crud_tabela_e, 'Texto' AS crud_formato_e, t11.extjs_xtype AS crud_xtype_e, t11.extjs_fieldLabel AS crud_rotulo_e, IF(COUNT(t12.id) > 0, CONCAT('lookup_', t11.id), CONCAT('campo_', t11.id)) AS crud_campo_e FROM clientes AS t1 INNER JOIN clientes_cenarios AS t3 ON (t1.id = t3.id_clientes) INNER JOIN setores AS t8 ON (t1.id = t8.id_clientes) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t9 ON (t1.id = t9.id_clientes AND t8.id = t9.id_setores) INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t10 ON (t4.id = t10.id_equipamentos) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t11 ON (t10.id = t11.id_campos AND t9.id = t11.id_clientes_equipamentos) LEFT JOIN equipamentos_campos_lookups AS t12 ON (t10.id = t12.id_campos) INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t4 ON (t4.id = t3.id_equipamentos AND t4.id = t9.id_equipamentos) WHERE t1.id = 279 AND t10.extjs_fieldLabel IN ('HOSTNAME', 'MARCA', 'MODELO', 'NÚMERO DE SÉRIE') GROUP BY t1.id, t3.id, t4.id, t8.id, t9.id, t10.id, t11.id ORDER BY t1.nome_fantasia, t1.grupo, t4.nome, t8.nome ---------------- 14/09/20 15:53 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 17,ativo = 1,id_clientes = 310,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 0 ---------------- 10/11/20 09:58 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1367 Illegal double '22073E2000865' value found during parsing INSERT INTO cli_equip_2936 SET criado_em = NOW(), campo_48934 = UPPER('SWITCH1_0'),campo_48943 = UPPER('TMA'),campo_48935 = UPPER('TP-LINK'),campo_48936 = UPPER('TL-SG1024D'),campo_48937 = UPPER(22073E2000865),campo_48938 = '',campo_48939 = '',campo_48940 = '',campo_48941 = '',campo_48942 = '',campo_48944 = '',campo_48945 = '-',campo_48946 = '-',campo_48947 = '',campo_48948 = UPPER('CONTRATO'),id_usuarios = 21 ---------------- 10/11/20 10:00 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1367 Illegal double '22073E2000865' value found during parsing INSERT INTO cli_equip_2936 SET criado_em = NOW(), campo_48934 = UPPER('SWITCH1_0'),campo_48943 = UPPER('TMA'),campo_48935 = UPPER('TP-LINK'),campo_48936 = UPPER('TL-SG1024D'),campo_48937 = UPPER(22073E2000865),campo_48938 = '',campo_48939 = '',campo_48940 = '',campo_48941 = '',campo_48942 = '',campo_48944 = '',campo_48945 = '-',campo_48946 = '-',campo_48947 = '',campo_48948 = UPPER('CONTRATO'),id_usuarios = 21 ---------------- 10/11/20 10:01 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1367 Illegal double '22073E2000865' value found during parsing INSERT INTO cli_equip_2936 SET criado_em = NOW(), campo_48934 = UPPER('SWITCH1_0'),campo_48943 = UPPER('TMA'),campo_48935 = '',campo_48936 = '',campo_48937 = UPPER(22073E2000865),campo_48938 = '',campo_48939 = '',campo_48940 = '',campo_48941 = '',campo_48942 = '',campo_48944 = '',campo_48945 = '-',campo_48946 = '-',campo_48947 = '',campo_48948 = UPPER('CONTRATO'),id_usuarios = 21 ---------------- 10/11/20 10:05 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1367 Illegal double '22073E2000865' value found during parsing UPDATE cli_equip_2936 SET campo_48934 = UPPER('SWITCH1_0'),campo_48935 = UPPER('TP-LINK'),campo_48936 = UPPER('TL-SG1024D'),campo_48937 = UPPER(22073E2000865),campo_48938 = '',campo_48939 = '',campo_48940 = '',campo_48941 = '',campo_48942 = '',campo_48943 = UPPER('TMA'),campo_48944 = '',campo_48945 = '-',campo_48946 = '-',campo_48947 = '',campo_48948 = UPPER('CONTRATO'),id_usuarios = 21 WHERE id = 1 ---------------- 10/11/20 10:07 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1367 Illegal double '22073E2000865' value found during parsing UPDATE cli_equip_2936 SET campo_48934 = UPPER('SWITCH1_0'),campo_48935 = UPPER('TP-LINK'),campo_48936 = UPPER('TL-SG1024D'),campo_48937 = UPPER(22073E2000865),campo_48938 = '',campo_48939 = '',campo_48940 = '',campo_48941 = '',campo_48942 = '',campo_48943 = UPPER('TMA'),campo_48944 = '',campo_48945 = '-',campo_48946 = '-',campo_48947 = '',campo_48948 = UPPER('CONTRATO'),id_usuarios = 21 WHERE id = 1 ---------------- 25/03/21 17:39 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't5.inativo' in 'field list' SELECT t1.id, t1.nome_fantasia, t3.nome, CONCAT('cli_equip_', t4.id) AS crud_tabela_e, t5.nome AS equip_nome, 'Texto' AS crud_formato_e, t8.extjs_xtype AS crud_xtype_e, t8.extjs_fieldLabel AS crud_rotulo_e, IF(COUNT(t9.id) > 0, CONCAT('lookup_', t8.id), CONCAT('campo_', t8.id)) AS crud_campo_e, t5.inativo AS equip_inativo FROM clientes AS t1 INNER JOIN setores AS t3 ON (t1.id = t3.id_clientes) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t4 ON (t1.id = t4.id_clientes AND t3.id = t4.id_setores) INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t5 ON (t5.id = t4.id_equipamentos) INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t7 ON (t5.id = t7.id_equipamentos) LEFT JOIN equipamentos_campos_lookups AS t9 ON (t7.id = t9.id_campos) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t8 ON (t7.id = t8.id_campos AND t4.id = t8.id_clientes_equipamentos) WHERE t1.id = 229 AND t5.inativo = '1' AND t5.nome = 'PLANO DE AÇÃO' AND t7.extjs_fieldLabel IN ('DATA', 'DEPARTAMENTO', 'SERVIÇO', 'CRITICIDADE', 'DESCRIÇÃO', 'OBSERVAÇÃO', 'STATUS') GROUP BY t1.id, t3.id, t4.id, t5.id, t7.id, t8.id ORDER BY t1.nome_fantasia, t1.grupo, t3.nome, t5.nome ---------------- 25/03/21 17:40 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't5.inativo' in 'field list' SELECT t1.id, t1.nome_fantasia, t3.nome, CONCAT('cli_equip_', t4.id) AS crud_tabela_e, t5.nome AS equip_nome, 'Texto' AS crud_formato_e, t8.extjs_xtype AS crud_xtype_e, t8.extjs_fieldLabel AS crud_rotulo_e, IF(COUNT(t9.id) > 0, CONCAT('lookup_', t8.id), CONCAT('campo_', t8.id)) AS crud_campo_e, t5.inativo AS equip_inativo FROM clientes AS t1 INNER JOIN setores AS t3 ON (t1.id = t3.id_clientes) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t4 ON (t1.id = t4.id_clientes AND t3.id = t4.id_setores) INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t5 ON (t5.id = t4.id_equipamentos) INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t7 ON (t5.id = t7.id_equipamentos) LEFT JOIN equipamentos_campos_lookups AS t9 ON (t7.id = t9.id_campos) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t8 ON (t7.id = t8.id_campos AND t4.id = t8.id_clientes_equipamentos) WHERE t1.id = 229 AND t7.extjs_fieldLabel IN ('DATA', 'DEPARTAMENTO', 'SERVIÇO', 'CRITICIDADE', 'DESCRIÇÃO', 'OBSERVAÇÃO', 'STATUS') GROUP BY t1.id, t3.id, t4.id, t5.id, t7.id, t8.id ORDER BY t1.nome_fantasia, t1.grupo, t3.nome, t5.nome ---------------- 25/03/21 17:41 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't5.inativo' in 'field list' SELECT t1.id, t1.nome_fantasia, t3.nome, CONCAT('cli_equip_', t4.id) AS crud_tabela_e, t5.nome AS equip_nome, 'Texto' AS crud_formato_e, t8.extjs_xtype AS crud_xtype_e, t8.extjs_fieldLabel AS crud_rotulo_e, IF(COUNT(t9.id) > 0, CONCAT('lookup_', t8.id), CONCAT('campo_', t8.id)) AS crud_campo_e, t5.inativo AS equip_inativo FROM clientes AS t1 INNER JOIN setores AS t3 ON (t1.id = t3.id_clientes) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t4 ON (t1.id = t4.id_clientes AND t3.id = t4.id_setores) INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t5 ON (t5.id = t4.id_equipamentos) INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t7 ON (t5.id = t7.id_equipamentos) LEFT JOIN equipamentos_campos_lookups AS t9 ON (t7.id = t9.id_campos) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t8 ON (t7.id = t8.id_campos AND t4.id = t8.id_clientes_equipamentos) WHERE t1.id = 229 AND t7.extjs_fieldLabel IN ('DATA', 'DEPARTAMENTO', 'SERVIÇO', 'CRITICIDADE', 'DESCRIÇÃO', 'OBSERVAÇÃO', 'STATUS') GROUP BY t1.id, t3.id, t4.id, t5.id, t7.id, t8.id ORDER BY t1.nome_fantasia, t1.grupo, t3.nome, t5.nome ---------------- 25/03/21 17:47 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1054 Unknown column 't5.inativo' in 'field list' SELECT t1.id, t1.nome_fantasia, t3.nome, CONCAT('cli_equip_', t4.id) AS crud_tabela_e, t5.nome AS equip_nome, 'Texto' AS crud_formato_e, t8.extjs_xtype AS crud_xtype_e, t8.extjs_fieldLabel AS crud_rotulo_e, IF(COUNT(t9.id) > 0, CONCAT('lookup_', t8.id), CONCAT('campo_', t8.id)) AS crud_campo_e, t5.inativo AS equip_inativo FROM clientes AS t1 INNER JOIN setores AS t3 ON (t1.id = t3.id_clientes) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos AS t4 ON (t1.id = t4.id_clientes AND t3.id = t4.id_setores) INNER JOIN equipamentos AS t5 ON (t5.id = t4.id_equipamentos) INNER JOIN equipamentos_campos AS t7 ON (t5.id = t7.id_equipamentos) LEFT JOIN equipamentos_campos_lookups AS t9 ON (t7.id = t9.id_campos) INNER JOIN clientes_equipamentos_campos AS t8 ON (t7.id = t8.id_campos AND t4.id = t8.id_clientes_equipamentos) WHERE t1.id = 229 AND t7.extjs_fieldLabel IN ('DATA', 'DEPARTAMENTO', 'SERVIÇO', 'CRITICIDADE', 'DESCRIÇÃO', 'OBSERVAÇÃO', 'STATUS') GROUP BY t1.id, t3.id, t4.id, t5.id, t7.id, t8.id ORDER BY t1.nome_fantasia, t1.grupo, t3.nome, t5.nome ---------------- 28/06/21 14:17 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,ativo = 1,id_clientes = 327,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 23/04/22 08:25 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND t4.ativo = 1 AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.or' at line 1 SELECT t1.* FROM permissoes_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN grupos_permissoes_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_permissoes = t1.id INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t3 ON t3.id_grupos = t2.id_grupos INNER JOIN grupos_funcionarios AS t4 ON t4.id = t3.id_grupos WHERE t1.pai_id = 0 AND t1.tipo = 'MENU' AND t3.id_usuarios = AND t4.ativo = 1 AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem ---------------- 23/04/22 08:25 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND t1.tipo = 'AÇÃO' AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) AND t4.ativo = 1 AND !I' at line 1 SELECT t1.permissao_nome, CONCAT_WS(': ',t1.menu, t1.permissao_rotulo) AS permissao_rotulo FROM permissoes_funcionarios AS t1 INNER JOIN grupos_permissoes_funcionarios AS t2 ON t2.id_permissoes = t1.id INNER JOIN usuarios_grupos_funcionarios AS t3 ON t3.id_grupos = t2.id_grupos INNER JOIN grupos_funcionarios AS t4 ON t4.id = t3.id_grupos WHERE t3.id_usuarios = AND t1.tipo = 'AÇÃO' AND (t1.admin = OR t1.admin = 0) AND t4.ativo = 1 AND !ISNULL(t1.permissao_nome) AND t1.permissao_nome != '' AND !ISNULL(t1.permissao_rotulo) AND t1.permissao_rotulo != '' GROUP BY t1.id ORDER BY t1.ordem ---------------- 30/05/22 10:03 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,ativo = 1,id_clientes = 344,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 30/05/22 10:03 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,ativo = 1,id_clientes = 344,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ---------------- 30/05/22 10:03 ---------------- SQL ERROR 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`netwan_mateus`.`clientes_cenarios`, CONSTRAINT `FK_clientes_cenarios3` FOREIGN KEY (`id_equipamentos`) REFERENCES `equipamentos` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) INSERT INTO clientes_cenarios SET id_usuarios = 21,ativo = 1,id_clientes = 344,id_equipamentos = 0,quantidade = 1 ----------------